Обзор WWE Invest
WWE Invest (wweinvest.cc) – проект представляет рекламную компанию, долгое время занимающуюся организацией боев звезд женской борьбы под эгидой WWE. Наши специалисты смогли организовать бои таких примадонн, как Мариса и Мишель Маккул, Торри Уилсон и Натали Найдхарт, а также других не менее известных (вымышленная легенда хайпа). Маркетинг:
0.5 – 0.75% каждые 2 часа на 20 дней, депозит включен, от $10
При включенном депозите первое время выходим до безубытка. По первому тарифу с депозитами 10 – 50 долларов США безубыток настучит через 400 часов / 17 дней.
Сайт WWE Invest работает с платежными системами Payeer и Perfect Money. Суммарный профит составляет 20 – 80% после 20 дней при включенном депозите. Выплаты автоматически приходят на кошелек платежной системы. Минимальный вывод от 0.01 USD – судя по фактическим отчетам выплат. Комиссию сайт не берет, но могут быть сборы в платежных системах.
ВАЖНО: чтобы заполнить в настройках платежные реквизиты нужно ввести код проверки. Этот код при регистрации высылают на почту Email. Не потеряйте данный код! Если на странице платежных реквизитов нет поля для ввода ПИН-кода, откройте сайт в другом браузере.
Реферальный доход достаточно щедрый, чтобы повысить прибыль инвестора – 10% от каждого привлеченного депозита. Соответственно, 5% депозита наш блог платит рефбэком! Участие в партнерке добровольное и не обязательное. Рекламные материалы – красочные баннеры и ссылки html. Мультирегистрации лучше не создавать.
Сайт WWE Invest с англоязычным интерфейсом. Есть совпадения по дизайну. Кошелек PM новый. Тексты оригинальные. Адрес IP ранее нигде не встречался. Самописный и пользовательский скрипт. Защита и SSL от CloudFlare. Сайт яркий и достаточно интересный при автоматических выплатах каждые 2 часа. Контакты:
Код регистрации сайта и компании: SC205982
Unit 6 28/30 Queen Elizabeth, Avenue, Hillington Industrial, Estate, Glasgow, G52 4NQ
Проект запущен 8 апреля, но на мониторы особо не тратился (3 монитора и 1 блог). Есть свежие отчеты выплат на форумах. Админа не знаем и прогнозов не делаем. Инвестируем аккуратно небольшие суммы, помним о рисках. Не перезакидываем проект крупными вкладами. Играем мелкими или средними депозитами. Добавляем обзор на общих условиях и бесплатно. Играть или нет – каждый решает сам. Доходность WWE Invest по первому тарифу от +1% профита в сутки / +30% за месяц и выше. Сколько и как отработает хайп - мы не знаем заранее, поэтому будем тестировать.
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YouTube канал BitPump: https://www.youtube.com/c/Bitpump
Рейтинг: 0.0 (0)
Torro (
Тестовый депозит $10
27.04.19 08:48 Transfer Sent Payment: 10.00 USD to account U20816831 from U15707401. Batch: 257673547. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. WWEInvest.cc deposit from bitpump.
Torro (
27.04.19 10:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257688008. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
27.04.19 12:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257701950. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
27.04.19 14:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257715663. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.27.19 16:54 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257729671. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.27.19 18:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257741760. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.27.19 20:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257750614. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.27.19 22:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257756689. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.28.19 00:49 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257760203. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.28.19 02:54 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257764305. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
28.04.19 04:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257769465. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
28.04.19 06:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257775870. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
28.04.19 08:49 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257786932. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
Date: 28.04.2019 12:45:23
ID: 782588808
Details: P1011520469 → P77696329
Amount: 1.00 USD
Comment: WWEInvest.cc refbonus for Yalanne
Yalanne (Guest)
28 апреля 2019 в 12:50Вклад 10 баксов
Torro (
04.28.19 10:49 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257797642. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.28.19 12:54 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257809877. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.28.19 14:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257822581. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.28.19 16:54 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257835277. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.28.19 18:49 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257845906. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.28.19 20:49 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257854277. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.28.19 22:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257861312. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.29.19 00:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257865314. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.29.19 02:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257869950. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.29.19 04:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257876486. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.29.19 06:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257885586. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
29.04.19 08:49 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257901857. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
29.04.19 10:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257918487. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.29.19 12:54 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257933314. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.29.19 14:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257954168. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.29.19 16:54 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257982067. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.29.19 18:49 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 257998892. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.29.19 20:49 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258009890. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.29.19 22:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258017970. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.30.19 00:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258023534. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.30.19 02:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258028913. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.30.19 04:49 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258035447. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.30.19 06:49 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258049632. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.30.19 08:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258065334. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.30.19 10:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258082419. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.30.19 12:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258098155. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.30.19 14:49 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258119347. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.30.19 16:49 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258149764. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.30.19 18:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258170393. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.30.19 20:54 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258184400. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.30.19 22:49 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258193817. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.01.19 00:49 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258198804. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.01.19 02:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258203703. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.01.19 04:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258210229. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
01.05.19 06:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258285729. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
01.05.19 08:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258451661. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
01.05.19 10:54 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258606829. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.01.19 12:49 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258622802. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.01.19 14:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258642913. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
01.05.19 16:49 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258663677. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
01.05.19 18:49 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258677400. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.01.19 20:49 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258687158. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.01.19 22:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258694479. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.02.19 00:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258699222. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.02.19 02:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258703269. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.02.19 04:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258709096. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
02.05.19 06:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258720926. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
02.05.19 08:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258737476. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
02.05.19 10:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258752290. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
02.05.19 12:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258767525. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
02.05.19 14:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258787830. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.02.19 16:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258804133. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.02.19 18:49 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258816950. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.02.19 20:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258829724. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.02.19 22:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258841320. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.03.19 00:49 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258845821. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.03.19 02:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258850697. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.03.19 04:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258857853. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
03.05.19 06:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258867817. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
03.05.19 08:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258883964. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.03.19 10:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258897577. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.03.19 12:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258913242. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.03.19 14:58 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258935527. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.03.19 16:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258958733. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.03.19 18:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258974726. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.03.19 20:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258985354. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.03.19 22:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258992248. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.04.19 00:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 258997203. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.04.19 02:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259001436. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.05.19 04:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259007612. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.05.19 06:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259015352. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.05.19 08:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259028505. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.05.19 10:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259044917. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.05.19 12:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259058623. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
04.05.19 14:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259071989. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.04.19 16:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259084927. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.04.19 18:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259096514. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.04.19 20:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259106196. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.04.19 22:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259112388. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.05.19 00:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259116378. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.05.19 02:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259120063. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.05.19 04:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259124847. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.05.19 06:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259131824. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.05.19 08:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259142607. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.05.19 10:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259154623. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.05.19 12:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259167130. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
Date: 05.05.2019 19:55:26
ID: 786858267
Details: P1011520469 → P77696329
Amount: 1.00 USD
Comment: WWEInvest.cc refbonus for nyoneteger
Torro (
05.05.19 14:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259179421. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Nyoneteger (Guest)
5 мая 2019 в 21:25мне почему то не присылают код проверки на мэйл, пишу поддержке , не отвечают, и соответственно не происходит начислений, хотя уже больше 2 часов прошло
Torro (
Поищите письмо в папке Спам. Какой почтовый сервис? Если mail.ru - возможны сложности. В целом, почта mail.ru плохо подходит для хайпов. Многие хайпы не работают с этой почтой. Особенно зарубежные. Именно поэтому мы всегда рекомендуем начинать игру с прочтения нашего FAQ - https://bitpump.ru/faq - касательно почты это пункт №35.
Или вариант - ждать ответа поддержки, писать им по всем возможным контактам, которые указаны на сайте! Мы же специально написали выше в обзоре проекта - нужно сначала подтвердить свои кошельки в настройках, а только потом - инвестировать деньги...
Nyoneteger (Guest)
5 мая 2019 в 22:34почта гугл, спасибо нашел в спамах сообщение
Torro (
05.05.19 16:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259192517. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.05.19 18:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259203559. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.05.19 20:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259212565. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.05.19 22:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259219970. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.06.19 00:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259224463. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.06.19 02:53 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259228932. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
05.06.19 04:48 Account Receive +0.05 Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259235086. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
06.05.19 06:43 Receive Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259245545. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc refbonus for ruvikrich.
Torro (
06.05.19 06:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259246042. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
06.05.19 08:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259261843. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
06.05.19 10:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259279972. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
06.05.19 12:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259294577. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
06.05.19 14:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259317148. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
06.05.19 16:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259345863. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
06.05.19 18:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259362837. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
06.05.19 20:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259373851. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
06.05.19 22:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259381494. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
07.05.19 00:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259386078. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
07.05.19 02:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259392250. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
07.05.19 04:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259399248. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
07.05.19 06:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259411629. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
07.05.19 08:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259427883. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
07.05.19 10:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259447176. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
07.05.19 12:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259462426. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
07.05.19 14:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259485975. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
07.05.19 16:53 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259516863. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
07.05.19 18:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259534436. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
Torro (
07.05.19 20:48 Receive Received Payment 0.05 USD from account U20816831 to account U15707401. Batch: 259547631. Memo: API Payment. WWEInvest.cc withdraw to bitpump.
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Выплата Date: 2025-02-15 15:50:01 Batch: 2714277 From: E055792 Amount: 5.28 USD Comment: Invoice #496907, bitpump
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