Обзор Optozor Games LTD
Optozor Games LTD (optozor.com) – британская компания, занимающаяся разработкой различных игр и игрового программного обеспечения в Великобритании. Мы также делаем VR-игры и имеем различных клиентов по всей Великобритании (фрагмент из легенды хайпа). Маркетинг бессрочный:
3% по рабочим дням (Пн - Пт) и бессрочно, вывод депозита после 50 дней, от $30
Условно считаем маркетинг бессрочным
Окупаемость инвестиций – 33 рабочих дня / 46 календарных дней
Начисления с понедельника до пятницы.
Платежные системы: Perfect Money, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin
Минимальная пороговая выплата Optozor Games LTD: 1.5 USD / 5 - 20 USD – Crypto
Выплаты ИНСТАНТ - мгновенные
Комиссия возможна лишь со стороны платежных систем
Партнерка Dirilix Ltd: 3% / 5% / 7% - зависит от суммы депозита
Рефбэк блога (RCB): 1.5% от депозита
Одобренный рефбэк обязателен для получения страховки.
Рефбэк заказываем сразу после открытия депозита
Upline – bitpump
Заказ рефбэка RCB по ссылке: https://bitpump.ru/cabinet/refback
Заказ рефбэка от криптовалютных депозитов – только в USD
Старт Optozor Games LTD: 24 марта 2021
На сайте оригинальный дизайн и уникальные тексты. Есть защита DDoS и SSL. Новые платежные кошельки. На сайте есть раздел со статистикой выплат. Контакты:
205 Rundells, Harlow, United Kingdom, CM18 7HG
Форма на сайте
Проект Optozor Games LTD новый, но уже есть первые выплаты на мониторах. Инвестируем разумные суммы и только свободные деньги. Инвестировать или нет – каждый решает сам, с пониманием рисков. Гарантий и прогнозов не делаем. Просим поддержать проект в комментариях пруфами свежих выплат. Как отработает – покажет только время. Есть страховка для снижения рисков.
СТРАХОВКА: администрация проекта Optozor Games LTD предоставила нашим партнерам небольшую страховку в размере 150 долларов! Лимит страховой суммы - 30 USD для одного инвестора. Высвобождение страховки на 52-й день после открытия депозита.
Узнавайте о новинках блога BitPump раньше всех. Следите за статусами и новостями HYIP-проектов онлайн. Подписывайтесь на новости BitPump в удобном формате:
Telegram канал BitPump: https://telegram.me/bitpump_ru
Новости BitPump Вконтакте: https://vk.com/bitpump_ru
YouTube канал BitPump: https://www.youtube.com/c/Bitpump
Рейтинг: 0.0 (0)
Torro (
Депозит $150
We have successfully received your deposit USD 150.00 PerfectMoney to 3% Daily Forever.
Your Account: U15707401
Batch: 379822254
Compound: 0%.
Thank you.
NATA (Guest)
26 марта 2021 в 05:52деп
26.03.21 01:50 Transfer Sent Payment: 50.00 USD to account U28991989 from U22614460. Batch: 379851888. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Deposit to OPTOZOR GAMES LTD User NATA.
Torro (
Date: 2021-03-26 09:55:00
ID: 379882695
Received Payment 3.9 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Sasch (
Date: 2021-03-29 01:24:00
ID: 380588031
Received Payment 5.4 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Torro (
Date: 2021-03-30 00:53:00
ID: 380854579
Received Payment 5.4 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Instant-Monitor.com (Guest)
30 марта 2021 в 22:53The amount of 15.03 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U28991989->U19811025. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.. Date: 18:06 30.03.21. Batch: 381095788.
Sasch (
Date: 2021-03-31 00:59:00
ID: 381139717
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Egor133x (Guest)
31 марта 2021 в 15:59Выплата
USD 1.80 has been successfully sent to your PerfectMoney account U16786994.
Transaction batch is 381279937.
Torro (
Date: 2021-04-01 06:57:00
ID: 381429220
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Instant-Monitor.com (Guest)
1 апреля 2021 в 22:15The amount of 16.62 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U28991989->U19811025. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.. Date: 17:18 01.04.21. Batch: 382045439.
Torro (
Date: 2021-04-02 00:57:00
ID: 382094313
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Egor133x (Guest)
2 апреля 2021 в 14:02Выплата
USD 1.80 has been successfully sent to your PerfectMoney account U16786994.
Transaction batch is 382193094.
Sasch (
Date: 2021-04-02 20:01:00
ID: 382266052
Received Payment 1.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Torro (
Date: 2021-04-05 00:07:00
ID: 382830184
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Instant-Monitor.com (Guest)
5 апреля 2021 в 23:06The amount of 15.03 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U28991989->U19811025. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.. Date: 18:38 05.04.21. Batch: 383066462.
Torro (
Date: 2021-04-06 00:08:00
ID: 383100246
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Torro (
Date: 2021-04-07 00:07:00
ID: 383374541
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Sasch (
Date: 2021-04-08 00:07:00
ID: 383649208
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Torro (
Date: 2021-04-09 00:57:00
ID: 383925717
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Egor133x (Guest)
9 апреля 2021 в 17:03Выплата USD 2.70 has been successfully sent to your PerfectMoney account U16786994.
Transaction batch is 384066950.
Torro (
Date: 2021-04-12 00:10:00
ID: 384649669
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Instant-Monitor.com (Guest)
12 апреля 2021 в 22:37The amount of 17.67 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U28991989->U19811025. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.. Date: 18:02 12.04.21. Batch: 384861378.
Sasch (
Date: 2021-04-13 01:12:00
ID: 384910178
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Egor133x (Guest)
13 апреля 2021 в 16:45Выплата
USD 1.80 has been successfully sent to your PerfectMoney account U16786994.
Transaction batch is 385042153.
Sasch (
Date: 2021-04-14 00:06:00
ID: 385144964
Received Payment 5.4 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Nice (
Date: 2021-04-15 00:08:00
ID: 385384695
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Instant-Monitor.com (Guest)
15 апреля 2021 в 22:03The amount of 15.03 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U28991989->U19811025. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.. Date: 17:57 15.04.21. Batch: 385579972.
Torro (
Date: 2021-04-16 00:15:00
ID: 385621251
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Egor133x (Guest)
16 апреля 2021 в 15:38Выплата
USD 2.70 has been successfully sent to your PerfectMoney account U16786994.
Transaction batch is 385740671.
Sasch (
Date: 2021-04-19 00:09:00
ID: 386289228
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Instant-Monitor.com (Guest)
19 апреля 2021 в 21:41The amount of 15.03 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U28991989->U19811025. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.. Date: 16:35 19.04.21. Batch: 386466507.
Sasch (
Date: 2021-04-20 01:00:00
ID: 386533404
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Egor133x (Guest)
20 апреля 2021 в 15:58Выплата USD 1.80 has been successfully sent to your PerfectMoney account U16786994.
Transaction batch is 386667132.
Instant-Monitor.com (Guest)
20 апреля 2021 в 21:51The amount of 15.03 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U28991989->U19811025. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.. Date: 17:27 20.04.21. Batch: 386735976.
Torro (
Date: 2021-04-21 00:18:00
ID: 386787594
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Nice (
Date: 2021-04-22 00:07:00
ID: 387045561
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Torro (
Date: 2021-04-23 00:14:00
ID: 387294813
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
Egor133x (Guest)
23 апреля 2021 в 16:32Выплата USD 2.70 has been successfully sent to your PerfectMoney account U16786994.
Transaction batch is 387434501.
Torro (
Date: 2021-04-26 00:22:00
ID: 387977040
Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U28991989. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to bitpump from OPTOZOR GAMES LTD.
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Выплата Date: 2025-02-09 16:22:01 Batch: 2710250 From: E052061 Amount: 10.80 USD Comment: Withdraw to bitpump from ...
Выплата 35.3 TRX https://tronscan.org/#/transaction/42f6aee6742da5116880adabd402d3a44be135db2d257fd2c8bf85feb09d0cab
Выплата Date: 2025-02-08 14:51:01 Batch: 2709499 From: E055792 Amount: 8.40 USD Comment: Invoice #475159, bitpump