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Carfoxes - крипто-инвестиции: 0.5% - 3.0% в день сроком 3 - 60 рабочих дней

Carfoxes - крипто-инвестиции: 0.5% - 3.0% в день сроком 3 - 60 рабочих дней

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Обзор Carfoxes

Carfoxes (carfoxes.com - официальный сайт) - история автомобильных аукционов США насчитывает более 75 лет. Сегодня это динамично развивающийся сегмент рынка, который не менее актуален и с каждым годом становится все популярнее. В последние 10 лет автомобили, купленные на аукционах в США и Канаде, пользовались спросом далеко за пределами этих стран. А к огромному спросу на внутреннем потребительском рынке присоединился спрос автопотребителей из других стран.

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Аналоги Carfoxes

Carfoxes отзывы

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Torro (Admin)

7 апреля 2022 в 10:33

Your withdrawal request #34803 has been completed!
Date of order withdrawal: 04/06/2022 10:11
Date of execution of the order withdrawal: 04/07/2022 03:31
Withdrawal request amount: 3.98 USD
You are paid 59.81234644 TRX (Tron),
rate 0.06544724, fixed fee 1 TRX
tx: 797c01cd0e75095eeb89c9b89d8665cd3bfef7052fe176558ce7c61e909a2af5
Paid to wallet: TGjkcp5wo76C2bXcj874bx82MkQjS2Gos1

moto3 (Investor)

24 апреля 2022 в 16:55

Hello moto3 !

Congratulations on the successful opening of an investment deposit for the selected tariff plan: Quick return - 18% for the term !
Deposit amount: 100.69 USD;
The amount of each charge will be: 1.21;
Profit for the whole period: 18.12 USD;
Term of the deposit: 15 working days;
End date of the deposit: 05/13/2022

moto3 (Investor)

26 апреля 2022 в 20:45

Dear moto3!

Your withdrawal request #40615 has been completed!

Date of order withdrawal: 04/25/2022 13:39
Date of execution of the order withdrawal: 04/26/2022 06:44

Withdrawal request amount: 4.23 USD
You are paid 0.04207932 DASH,
rate 98.19095477, fixed fee 0.001 DASH
tx: fdaac01d961d8d035ceda0bbada54d74fa0a43ecdd4e352e4436bad6667a8e31

Paid to wallet: XoAzxyoPDiSVLMonn29Sa89w6SnN3ST5uM

moto3 (Investor)

27 апреля 2022 в 18:35

Dear moto3!

Your withdrawal request #40952 has been completed!

Date of order withdrawal: 04/26/2022 14:07
Date of execution of the order withdrawal: 04/27/2022 07:54

Withdrawal request amount: 1.21 USD
You are paid 0.01171331 DASH,
rate 95.1758794, fixed fee 0.001 DASH
tx: 32bdfaab8fa5930e9b1c6690f900775826768321e835419fffcf18a38cd6df17

Paid to wallet: XoAzxyoPDiSVLMonn29Sa89w6SnN3ST5uM

moto3 (Investor)

28 апреля 2022 в 19:35

Dear moto3!

Your withdrawal request #41332 has been completed!

Date of order withdrawal: 04/27/2022 13:16
Date of execution of the order withdrawal: 04/28/2022 05:22

Withdrawal request amount: 1.2 USD
You are paid 0.01160824 DASH,
rate 95.1758794, fixed fee 0.001 DASH
tx: cc0726b375ced42ecc3c296717e3650865c84cc56e31027e2fddf6d2ab6d0297

Paid to wallet: XoAzxyoPDiSVLMonn29Sa89w6SnN3ST5uM

moto3 (Investor)

1 мая 2022 в 19:22

Dear moto3!

Your withdrawal request #42215 has been completed!

Date of order withdrawal: 04/29/2022 10:52
Date of execution of the order withdrawal: 04/30/2022 03:27

Withdrawal request amount: 1.21 USD
You are paid 0.01174021 DASH,
rate 94.97487437, fixed fee 0.001 DASH
tx: 5b371efb3a8132c06e18d160aed355ca44374988345fb505854cdde4662e22a6

Paid to wallet: XoAzxyoPDiSVLMonn29Sa89w6SnN3ST5uM

moto3 (Investor)

3 мая 2022 в 11:14

Dear moto3!

Your withdrawal request #43117 has been completed!

Date of order withdrawal: 05/02/2022 10:02
Date of execution of the order withdrawal: 05/03/2022 03:30

Withdrawal request amount: 1.21 USD
You are paid 0.01240702 DASH,
rate 90.25125628, fixed fee 0.001 DASH
tx: f0c8dd26e396db078751dd5a2bbdc5b48c07cd5a61687c31f8ff849db9844b96

Paid to wallet: XoAzxyoPDiSVLMonn29Sa89w6SnN3ST5uM

moto3 (Investor)

4 мая 2022 в 19:09

Dear moto3!

Your withdrawal request #43445 has been completed!

Date of order withdrawal: 05/03/2022 09:56
Date of execution of the order withdrawal: 05/04/2022 03:01

Withdrawal request amount: 1.21 USD
You are paid 0.01251235 DASH,
rate 89.54773869, fixed fee 0.001 DASH
tx: 544bbd3e688a7fdaef0b39f966b905009b003cd1e465b2c3912c3986c1787ee2

Paid to wallet: XoAzxyoPDiSVLMonn29Sa89w6SnN3ST5uM

moto3 (Investor)

5 мая 2022 в 19:11

Dear moto3!

Your withdrawal request #43966 has been completed!

Date of order withdrawal: 05/04/2022 12:07
Date of execution of the order withdrawal: 05/05/2022 04:30

Withdrawal request amount: 1.21 USD
You are paid 0.012467 DASH,
rate 89.84924623, fixed fee 0.001 DASH
tx: f0ea76b20db7810d55c318e93c9f936b5689d4ad9a4ee6dd5cdfcafb3608f22f

Paid to wallet: XoAzxyoPDiSVLMonn29Sa89w6SnN3ST5uM

moto3 (Investor)

6 мая 2022 в 19:47

Dear moto3!

Your withdrawal request #44505 has been completed!

Date of order withdrawal: 05/05/2022 14:31
Date of execution of the order withdrawal: 05/06/2022 07:20

Withdrawal request amount: 1.2 USD
You are paid 0.01288372 DASH,
rate 86.4321608, fixed fee 0.001 DASH
tx: 61773aa8c97e02144dcec367faa0bc88ec95eff7d62c316cd9069d3157fdc3c0

Paid to wallet: XoAzxyoPDiSVLMonn29Sa89w6SnN3ST5uM

moto3 (Investor)

7 мая 2022 в 19:21

Dear moto3!

Your withdrawal request #45033 has been completed!

Date of order withdrawal: 05/06/2022 14:37
Date of execution of the order withdrawal: 05/07/2022 08:41

Withdrawal request amount: 1.21 USD
You are paid 0.01285443 DASH,
rate 87.33668342, fixed fee 0.001 DASH
tx: a078f9ef874a87fea6f75d7a835d3652547865cfc02c488b9e8c58a3a80ead4c

Paid to wallet: XoAzxyoPDiSVLMonn29Sa89w6SnN3ST5uM

moto3 (Investor)

10 мая 2022 в 15:39

Dear moto3!

Your withdrawal request #45991 has been completed!

Date of order withdrawal: 05/09/2022 10:20
Date of execution of the order withdrawal: 05/10/2022 03:24

Withdrawal request amount: 1.21 USD
You are paid 0.01435651 DASH,
rate 78.79396985, fixed fee 0.001 DASH
tx: d791c1d7cb5ec9bdae54e1ef550ee3854f0fd5aef68c3fcdb88ba70dd1a9b755

Paid to wallet: XoAzxyoPDiSVLMonn29Sa89w6SnN3ST5uM

moto3 (Investor)

11 мая 2022 в 20:01

Dear moto3!

Your withdrawal request #46403 has been completed!

Date of order withdrawal: 05/10/2022 10:20
Date of execution of the order withdrawal: 05/10/2022 22:23

Withdrawal request amount: 1.21 USD
You are paid 0.01482063 DASH,
rate 76.48241206, fixed fee 0.001 DASH
tx: 6827e0d223408002c395896e81540f80a419dfba8a8ab8c6a264a7fa23ca881c

Paid to wallet: XoAzxyoPDiSVLMonn29Sa89w6SnN3ST5uM

moto3 (Investor)

12 мая 2022 в 20:02

Dear moto3!

Your withdrawal request #47061 has been completed!

Date of order withdrawal: 05/11/2022 14:16
Date of execution of the order withdrawal: 05/12/2022 02:31

Withdrawal request amount: 1.21 USD
You are paid 0.01857642 DASH,
rate 61.80904523, fixed fee 0.001 DASH
tx: 97d49771c32d95a1b4883afa1d20c5a68b465eac1b7ab861f69b351dc2241623

Paid to wallet: XoAzxyoPDiSVLMonn29Sa89w6SnN3ST5uM

moto3 (Investor)

13 мая 2022 в 19:58

Dear moto3!

Your withdrawal request #47703 has been completed!

Date of order withdrawal: 05/12/2022 13:55
Date of execution of the order withdrawal: 05/13/2022 01:59

Withdrawal request amount: 1.21 USD
You are paid 0.02069279 DASH,
rate 55.77889447, fixed fee 0.001 DASH
tx: 45eb9d8bf0f982bf1b9d47bdb229e0f97342cf861bc9ec0131cd3266c6654d8d

Paid to wallet: XoAzxyoPDiSVLMonn29Sa89w6SnN3ST5uM

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